Monday, November 2, 2009

Taking the week off

I am sorry to announce that I am taking the week off. Why one would ask and here are the reasons:
1. I feel like the deals just aren't amazing enough for me to worry about going and getting stuff (though I have some RR's to use at Walgreen's so I may have to think about it at some point!)
2. We are sort of in the middle of a family crisis. Sarah's allergy tests came back with her being allergic to dairy, eggs and wheat, can anybody says Celiac's Disease. So we will probably be doing more testing and I just don't feel like stockpiling stuff we won't be able to use.
3. I have way too much going on this week!

So here is what I have decided that I will purchase

Fred Meyers
Organic carrots 5 for $5
Organic fuji apples 98 cents a lb
5 lb bag of Mandarins for $4.77
Del Monte Vegetables with in ad coupon of 2/$1 plus stacked with manufacture coupon of $1/5 (from September I think!)
Any meat with coupons on it

Chicken boneless skinless breats for $1.77/lb (krazy coupon lady has a preview!)
Any meat with coupons on it

I will probably just use my RR's to get some Vitamin D, you always need some!

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