Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Albertson's Skippy Natural Peanut Butter

Sorry there will probably be a ton of posts on Albertson's while I try and wrap my head around all of the good deals going on. Also some of these deals end on the 9th so you better hurry in this week.

Skippy NATURAL Peanut Butter (has to be natural!)
Buy 16 at the price of 2/$4
Use 8 $1/2 (OR 5 and you just don't get to use the 3 doubles listed at the end)
Use 3 doubles (Customer Service should have extra of the week's ads, but please just take one each time you need doubles!)
Total out of pocket=$21 if you have all of the regular coupons and use doubles OR $24
Total back in Catalinas=$23

That is right I made $2 more dollars at Albertson's today and got a year supply of Peanut Butter!

1 comment:

  1. This is such an awesome deal!!! Our stores don't sale the natural!!! Bummer I am glad you got it though!!
