Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How did you do???

Sharesa invited me to contribute to her blog!!! So hear it goes..... I started clipping coupons in March, I have loved it!!! It takes some practice, so if you are just starting keep with it!!

How well did you do on the sales this week???? I felt great about my shopping this week!! There are some awesome sales!!! I spent $170 ( for 2 families) and I got $1100 in product!!! Plus I have $73 in Cat coupons good at Albertsons and Walgreen's! Here is a picture of most of it!!! I bought 90 more jars of Ragu, they are not in the picture!! ( I didn't realize that the alfredo sauce was on the sale as well!) so I made one more trip for the alfredo sauce!! So tell us how you did or if you want more info on how to do it!!! :-)


  1. Thanks, I love the picture! Check out the Peanut Butter deal I just added, if you like natural it is great, and if not just donate it!

  2. ya I will have to do it tonight when I make my run!!! Thanks
